Hello everyone,
Almost Christmas, Almost New Year! A magical time of year! Jingle bells, Christmas tree, twinkling lights, last minute presents to purchase, outfit and hairstyle plans… What else? How about New Year’s night menu? Did you plan it yet? If not we have you covered because we have an incredible menu for you that is a quick-fixer yet mouthwatering deliciousness and as always healthy! Ready? Juicy salmon baked under the mustard blanket, French style wilted greens with creamy smoky chickpeas mash for the main course. Dessert? Yes, indeed! Chocolate covered marzipan log with the filling! Yum!
Before I start my more detailed introduction to our Lenten New Year menu using our traditional savor vocabulary, that will gently lead you to a proposal that you can’t say no to, I would like to remind you about the last but not the least, and the most important thing out of all, that we should keep at heart throughout this holiday mayhem.
I want to humbly ask you to remember Christ throughout this holiday season and keep him at your heart.
Christ was born for us. His plans for us always surpass those of our own.
“Every December we can look back and mark our progress through this earthly journey and marvel at the designs of God. We realize how very little we are in control of the events that shaped the past Year. Then with hearts full, look to the celebration of that silent, holy night, and all its certainty.
Last season my sister and I hit the malls the day after Thanksgiving and were part of a throng of shoppers hunting bargains long before the sun came up. In the process I was struck, as I am each year, by the way in which we hustle through the season. Searching for bargains, desperate for the right gift at the right price, and often so busy we barely notice the tinny refrains of “Silent Night”, announcing over the store’s P. A. system that all is calm, all is bright.
Unfortunately, we live with a sense of urgency for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps our time would be better spent looking for the miracles that so clearly exist around us. Especially during the Christmas, season. Miracles remind us that God loves us and that on that first Christmas so long ago he gave us the best present of all. His love continues day by day – often through his miracles…
Now more than ever I am struck by the contrast of our own busy Christmas preparations compared to the lack of attention it received two thousand years ago. On the night of the actual event, not a single innkeeper had room to house the King of kings. They missed the greatest miracle of all!
Look around your life this Christmas. Watch for the miracles of the season.
I pray that those of us who prepare so well for the holiday celebration might not miss the reason for it. Regardless of how full our lives are, I hope we still have room in our hearts to look for the one whose birth forever changed the world. The one who is – indeed still working Christmas miracles among us.” ~ Karen Kingsbury Christmas miracles.
I have just finished the book “Christmas Miracles” by Karen Kingsbury and was so deeply touched by the stories of Divine presence that people shared in this book, that I could not but share the introduction words Karen uses in her book.
Merry Christmas! We love you, friends!
Have a great New Year celebration and cook from our New Year menu plan!
Satisfaction guaranteed!
Bon Appétit!